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Here's why a rich man going into space for the second time really matters

Zoom in / The Polaris Dawn crew from L to R: Anna Menon, Scott Poteet, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis.John Kraus/Polaris program

Over the weekend, the crew of the upcoming Polaris Dawn mission shared plenty of details about the intriguing private mission that will send humans farther than they've flown from Earth in half a century.
Commanded and funded by private astronaut Jared Isaacman, the mission seeks to test new technologies that will advance humanity's expansion into space. Among the goals are advancing the performance of the Dragon spacecraft and Falcon 9 rocket, performing the first commercial spacewalk in a new spacesuit developed by SpaceX, and testing Starlink laser-based communications in space.
"Our first goal is to travel farther than Earth, and the last time humans walked on the Moon was Apollo 17, more than 50 years ago," Isaacman said during an online chat hosted by the social networking site X networking. "So we're targeting a 1,400-kilometer Apogee that puts us right inside the Van Allen radiation belt. It's an awesome opportunity for us to get some data, but it's really pushing beyond our comfort zone.
The Polaris Dawn mission does not have a launch date, but SpaceX officials have confirmed that it is now the next crewed mission the company will fly. There are probably a lot of scheduling issues, but it's likely that shipping will begin within the next six to eight weeks.

Flying high

After liftoff from Florida, Isaacman said Dragon will complete seven orbits with a maximum altitude of about 1,400 km, which is about twice as long as any crewed mission flown since 1972. After that the vehicle will descend to a more circular orbit of about 700 km and get ready for a spacewalk.

In addition to Isaacman, who first flew into space in September 2021 as commander of the all-civilian Inspiration 4, the crew for this mission includes a retired Air Force Lt. Col. and experienced pilot named Scott Poteet, and two SpaceX engineers; Sarah. Gillis and Anna Menon. This will be the first time any SpaceX employee will ever fly into space.
After settling into lower orbit, the crew will prepare for a spacewalk. They will wear spacesuits and the atmosphere inside the Dragon spacecraft will be vented into space. Isaacman and Gillis will then exit the spaceship, their suits connected to the Dragon's air and other consumables via an umbilical.
Zoom in / Polaris Dawn astronaut and SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis shows off the new spacesuit.SpaceX
Although government astronauts have performed hundreds of spacewalks over the past 60 years, no private person has ever performed one.
"This is important because we're going to get to the Moon and Mars one day and we're going to have to get out of our vehicles and the safety of the habitat to explore and build and repair things," Isaacman said. he said. SpaceX has already said it is working on a second generation of the suit for operations on the Moon and Mars.
The company spent about two years designing the first generation of this extraterrestrial activity space suit, an upgrade from its current flight suit. It has been extensively tested in vacuum chambers and other facilities at locations such as NASA's Johnson Space Center. Isaacman shared more details about the costumes in a next conversation with former Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield.
SpaceX also modified the Dragon for the spacewalk. Stu Keech, vice president of Dragon at SpaceX, said a structure called a "Skywalker" has been attached to the spacecraft near the hatch as a mobility aid.

Is this guy legit?

It would be easy to dismiss Isaacman as a space junkie living out his dreams of space flight after striking it rich. (According to Forbes, the founder of Shift4 Payments is worth an estimated $1.5 billion.) He absolutely loves to fly. He owns and regularly pilots a MiG-29—one of the few of these Soviet fighter jets operating in the United States. Space flight is the ultimate frontier for people who love to fly.
But Isaacman seems to be in it for more than thrills. On his first two space flights, Isaacman sought out crewmates from diverse backgrounds and made charitable donations an important part of each mission. I've had a number of conversations with Isaacman over the past five years, and he consistently emphasizes the goal of opening up spaceflight to more people. For example, if humans are ever to have a truly permanent presence in space, spacewalks must be commonplace. Therefore, non-NASA astronauts must start building them. The Polaris Dawn funding helped SpaceX focus on developing suits for such a purpose.
During the social media event on Saturday, I asked Isaacman about the risks involved in this mission. By flying higher than a conventional space flight, ventilating the cabin and performing a spacewalk, he and the crew were taking on a new set of risks.
"We've gotten very comfortable going from point A to point B in a great floating international laboratory, but I think humanity's aspirations are beyond that," Isaacman said of the International Space Station. "We're going to deal with different things. The risk is different when you're venting the vehicle in a vacuum and you're in a space suit. But I think these are all positive steps in the direction of kindness to, you know, humanity's interest in exploring our Solar System and not only".
Isaacman is clearly on board with the space facility idea. He takes personal risks to help achieve this vision, investing a significant amount of money and time in education. It's a brave and bold and important thing to do.

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